The big league interceptor commonly known as Tyrone Smooth made unjust advances in council reunification. He slowly, a gradual pace, began to produce several manuscripts of Hard-Glaze significance, and at which he proceeded to bend over and plop each manuscript violently down his pants, and into his very own paper-thin panties, all the way up his asshole pipe. This action was enough for all council members within the room to immediately attack the fucklet joe and smash his skull through a near-by fireplace mantle. Good riddens, and bring the Glaze back!

you want a fucking guarillas hands to surround your ass-cheeks as you ride ontop of the hairy motherfucker, he slapping his massive rod of justice into your assring of chocolate proportions?

Im just ur average joe, plowing nigger hoes and shooting freethrows in basket holes. Making sweet dough and so in control. Im so dope.

"I be fucking smashing the hoes face in like casseroles and eating that hoes holes while she brains be draining from her other hole." - a disturbing description of a fucker joe account discovered by hardglaze investigators in a torn up journal.

"I be glidin me pole into the mans butthole and tasting the shithole toilet bowl gloryhole. It a fine thing to seek." -- A confession of fucker joe in the interrogation room, heard by investigators later that evening.

"My pole be collecting up this black ol stuff like coal and ne instinct to taste it like creampops auntie would serve in the farmhouse."

K be making em nigger hoes shit up and get low, get all in control and start the powerpumper pole. Them nigger hoes be squirming like whole tadpoles. Hoes be hoes i guess...

On the totem pole of societal stance, negros by jurisdiction in over 200 residencies, are from here on, illegal partakers in professional business like settings, thus marking a new age of stabilizing stupid fucking apes from eating the berries on my lawn!

"Instinctually i warm up the ass depth pole, practice on em gentle folklings ballers, then enter his home with equally or bigger dome. SHE A BASTARDS SHIT HOLE BUT I LOVE HER! Start milking her good for flavor on the platter and taste for a rewarding coco with table salt."

"Ahh, the eroma of a bitter sweet ol thing like relish on me dropdown ovations is like a gangsters honeydipped saccharine with a lil hint of juicy mon pussy. She a fine ol specimen, and with grease job like no other, u crank em seedlingz in and out like chain reaction consistency. Oh wa-weeee!"

"Bobby all proud an cool with tgat ol apparatus back in the truck that lay him out with sweet social status, and far from junior status. It be the saddest machine but nice with molasses in the power gauge, as well as the mathematics and administrative tactics." - L.C Pooper Man, nicknamed the Big Oil Popper, high ranked official in preparing a demonstration of new toys on negros of weaker servitude. Location: Hardglaze School of Sociology on Important Negro Studies, the Capitol District. Date of proof: 4/21/5 E.

"All the dream team label her as the Poopermans Raptor, a madly fast and repetitive weapon for dehydration of ass ovals and some serious and mean destruction. Named after the head man himself, the Raptor is reluctant enough to rip you an ugly ass pipe!"

I pushed a fucking nigger in a full tank of berries and watched that hoe sufficate. Them niggers be eatin all da goodies but not today!

I want ur soup skills so i may overwork u in a smsll kitchen. Then i feed u lil spoonfulls of powdery cocaine so.u work faster and faster. Increase powder unnoticeably every day, unill ur so lit that u start killing fuckers in.the kitchen with pots.

"Departing out from the ghostly place, he became self aware of the all powerful Gore, and how they even stomped the seat of power. The magistrate had windows busted out, and gunpowder residue the proof of what happened. Tiny holes, atleast fifty or more had penetrated the front doors like a cheese gratter. These motherfuckers used grapeshot on the Mayor"

"Cap'n ordered a bunch of fat blackies to eat giant tofu meals, then tie them colossal fucks in pillowcases and push em down cliffs into marching enemies. Quite a sight!"

"Hundred or so stretched pillows came crashing into a wagon and men afoot. The enemy general peeled back one, revealing a huge fucker nigger inside. 'So they inhumanely feed niggers then use them as fodder?'"

"Is there still time to reverse the predicted blow? Certified study under untainted authority HAS foreseen major catastrophe in a mere two years advance. Theres going to be a government shut down, and white collar workers of Caucasian descent WILL be replaced with nigger. Is there still time? Or are these Omens telling a world without light?" -- PH.D Will H. Proviche, co-founder, Hard-Glaze political analyst. Location: The Capitol District. Two years prior to the historic Government Shutdown.

"This country was pulled from times of taxation in name of fixing starvation, but creating starvation regardless. Like the affections for a child in a death arena without structure, we pulled closer and aspirated a moments fruitful breaths. So then why do black titled evils persevere through consistent purification? Do we accept these truths for what they are? Is it actually our wrong doing, due to inadequate treatment on niggers who merit ape roles? Then these social graces we long strived to correct are simply tarnished, and like that, dark hides taint all who oppose."

"These niggers shared nothing but the surface. Like a pose, that inhuman force contested values that brought them from a peasant lacking cultivation. 'Cultureless,' 'pissers,' together words forming stupid. No conjunction to noble breed! Wenches, or simply fowls of society. Discern them all! They are gone. No return!"

"So who are you? An ape without predilection of HIS prior advances? Or simple folks soaked milk that use NIGGER FAGGOTS as their pawns for a more deliberate, higher agenda?! Answer fucker."

She have NO fortune condition, but she wakes tribal injustices for a rather good cock soak. She a puny nigger, hands a couple lengths long, and standing a mere 4 feet! Its a fucking midget, and her ability for anal and good head makes these long ones go LIMP.

"So who are you to line niggers strong?! But a pretty old sailor without grace or distaste. You deserve good chastise on thee arse crease, for plenty of cocks go hard like pumpers in Plymouth. Now fetch off ol boy, or disobey!"

"Good fruit flies collide, make butthole magic, lay orgies of maggots, build mountains of never ending anus texture, for all the sickly fucked peckers deeming hard entry of a facility waxed damp, like dirty old toilet poopies." "I do acknowlege this sentiment, so heat her package in microwave and feed a delightful exotic poop. God bless, god bless!"

"FEEL structure, and all her elements guiding five sole shit builds out warm, from a dirty fat mans blubbery asspipe. My lord dictates she's a smelly one. But like smells, taste decide truth. So then what? Well to pillage her and consume WITHOUT reason, but to see flavor of the tongue, to see if she's a promise, and to see from judgement OF flavor amongst these false idols chained society's conventional path. Be yourself. So...... Go on, taste!"

"First and foremost, what is the criteria for this so called 'powerful pumper,' because testiments linked bare and bone in Hard-Glaze Almanac, Part 6 - PG 6099, it fucking swears several prominent oaths, 1 of which concluding "FUCKING NIGGERS CANNOT BE PUMPERS, THEIR COCKS TOO FAT, TOO BIG, TOO BULK. ITLL BREAK OFF. WHAT GOOD IF NO PUMPER AT ALL? HENCE MAKING 'PUMPER' NULL. INVALID TESTIMENT. GET FACTS RIGHT. I WILL KILL."

"Impeccible dooms upon us! The niggers chained free like rabbid apes in sex. They eating John Sycamores berries in the open plantations! Them berries strength for apes gone weak! Grab THE FUCKING RIFLES BOYS. WARS HITTING HOME."

"Then who the fuck are you? Ape nigger of condescending nature, forthcoming a brutal past gripped MESSILY out from swimming pools dipped ape faggots lathered in their own PISS AND SHIT FLUIDS?! GOD deems unparalled evils in store. I deem good balls launched precisely to end tortures on good doers, consistent of fucked ramifications. Four score, seven years prior TO THE FUCKING APES SCREWING HOT LADS, BREAKING BROTHERS FREE OF THEIR CAGES. HELP THEE. HELP THEE."

"He slapped two cold coins, ample moistures worth, indeed a pricey duo, knowing 'good coins' are cold coins. Untampered. Kings men searched 'bad coins' and pressed 'good blades' to each close skin, crisp swift.

The Valor Boys called "False." And like boys done wrong, the King of Sweets authorized 'Bad Boys' a sweet one. Hot shots spending nice balls to each mans small balls. One after another, a body slumped over holding their gems painfully. "Get good coins, or I get bad. Dead niggers will sprinkle down from a rooftop." "Aye, aye..." And so they crossed paths for only a short notice, scarred mentally, emotionally, physically. Doomed souls for Sweets to enslave."

"Conners downed two sweet liquors without bicker. The hard coins downed, not found. The stupid nigger gone super lubed in his crotch and ass tube. Conners sought a sweet tease, the big one deep inside, with a black hide already tied."

"The confides spread the grooves of two nastier motherfuckers ape-riding a fairly thick log, the night prior. The bell gone super huge. Small cocks altered solidified. Worldwide, always unjustified. Acts of cruelty on holes for smaller bros? But the truths breathed diversified, with each subject having a unique sized hole. But regardless, it begged more truth, in that to "override a tighter hole would be to compromise and fortify poop and bloodslide. Out on the cock deemed persistent in these gross affairs. So choose a better hole!"

"Early scholars beg unanswered truths: How can one Human manifest into contractable filth? But with modern anti-septics to slow disease, why is it appalling to so many that Dark Essential reeks sustained folly? It's a delicate study to discuss, actualizing the paradox of nigger behavior, and how difficult it is to wipe it clean. Surely it's something we can atleast attempt to unlock however, given their traits do not reshape or distort our unprecedented workings, one ass creamed hard, ten thousand years into a grimace of uncertainty."

"Ranson Cooper Anus Trainer" - Went in civil war memorial, saw that random name. Feel happier knowing hes not just a casket in the ground, but an anus device for niggers he hated. Now hardglaze honors a real life hero!

"Aye, what an immaculate display of orgies. Crimson tinted chocolates wrapped beautifully on cocks gone strong. THE WETTEST juicies compiled out from assholes, these nude bodies forged out of Adam and Eve testiment. Now the enmassed ape fucks are chewing with the white seekers of purity.


Then bring forth strong shots to lessen strong bitches?"

"Aye, and 'good coins' taught rewards for good lessons."

"The threshold of niggers gone super human? Probability 1 in 5,000. Scientific schematics chain correlation of niggers gone super, to correlation of niggers gone SUPER HUMAN. Only in biblical readings of course, clear and cut with niggers deemed dumbest fucking apes in our rock called Home. Flingin shits at treasure hunters and the brightest of so-deemed 'cracker whores..' But yet we surpass all odds, dumb FUCKING NIGGERS!. Well simply sought sweet blissful words, we popper boys call em niggers gone radical, the fucked lil soup niggers chompin pickles strong from dirty old toilet bowls. GET FUCKED. THX."

"Lucy got anus experiences, but nigger called Plymbo Simble calls a REAL anus blow the dope exerpt off My Lil Chrismas Story, and into present day Glimpse of Niggers Stone Cold™... its only two out of three reflections however, from these princess dilemma retellings, that niggers got BEEF in white mans stew, which is plentiful chew for niggers morphed glue -- given that the cannon is loaded efficiently that is."

"The tank ran hot, next thing certain the niggers came smack and crack all over the basement floor.

With motherfuckers screaming that oldie niggers babble, with lips amok laced lollypop juices and spit, the whores prepped high and wide to wrap good on cocks called "wood." But the niggers too late for fun and games. The machines were in full throttle, picking up gravitational pull and sending blackies in the air, then headplanting into the floor, over and over, like beautiful bounce and play."

"Richard ordered the good seeds spent vigorously, with no time to lose; an ass face ruby red, and the asshole all super shred. This motherfucker an inbred nigger, with grapesized head. Our spears went ahead in that darkness until each helmet layered coco pudding on steriods. Raisin texture with dynamic duos going on and off, sucking one after the other until it was as glossy as oysters dead. Rich was our white knight, leaving hot for last.

Each mans eggs as large as a demigod figurine, spread thoroughly like class A jews gone south, with their fun little orgies to tell in sickening stories. That hoes face look porky the pig, the cocks so nice all horny. Perks for all them works, and atlas the creampops let loose their final sprays, the shit combined to make a messy thick starch. The nigger payed 500 good coins, and off he went, satisfied with booty fucking destroyed. More cocks deployed. Other room. Ready for many."

"Fix gleet and fast new to thee. Raise shots high and brine and corpse whores, for quenched chocolates are no speck of gold, but full flatbeds to dump nigger wench hoes into bottomless pits..

No desertion to a coin, for bridled desires 'set bitches free.'"

Carnage on the Canal. 'Hard White Harness' - The Elimination Event.

Date of Proof:


black blankets tonight. a whole ant farm of tarded niggers off fir my berries. tracter picked up 5 mph constant. 9 yards until the cocos were but black carpets

"That're night niggster just shat a fucking arkansas black delight! Crispy apples no bigger than plastered ass bowls dipped sriracha and cheese. Ol timer!"

Im no bloos bandit but fucking axed noger nigsters best truths to date.

Gammys Bank lit 10 up but not nearly adding to Charlies Tank Corps, Uptown 440, taking the lead by 17 points. A whole fucking river on fire and chocolate bitches all farmers an shit. Dark in the white, taking flight until tu-95s low-glided in a V.

They hoes formed crispies on ice. Good glory to napalm sprees. Damn was that Hot Hot Hot!

"It was a fucking powder keg in that mess. Bareass niggers destructing from nuclear bombers in pursuit. Ill say it made me hard!"

Jacks dipped ass and ralphs carrying the saber swords against the door. I got big sisters, he got the ram and we're all for holes to slam. Start.

"You sick fucking monkies" cried jeffery johnsteen. He wanted big revenge with all the fat nigsters up in the candy aisle. So he loaded up the bombs in a shopping cart. BOOM. Ratta tatta tat. Bitches all up in the gasoline. The candies smoking a flavorful blueberry delight and thirty thirsty fuck-o-los spent less than 30 seconds expressing orgasmic white fantasy. Death to chocolate candies! God send. God send them more candies!"

"I sing along just fine. Now niggers dine on wine. But niggers fucking whine, for melons and ass slime. So give the nigger his slime, but poison it so fine. We'll call this a nigger Reign. The terror of fifty slain." ~ Roobys Sing-Along Diaries, Hard-Stature Pt 1.

"Its an awesome will to drag, that niggers cant come back. Life or death thats that. But niggers fight like trash. So win the duel or else, and begin to plague their wells. Good god i love my spell. Niggers always fall."

"Adjascant to the path, a trail of wicked blacks. Theres niggers rumbling by. They stole the makers pie. So make that niggers time, begin the popes sign. No niggers take my life. We will not stop tonight."

The voices of the green And so a labrynth of branches, woodwork and the avoidance of light stole beauty out from the grasps of the land. The emergence of a new foe. Black beauty, or so called Nigger fagghot. So precious. So delicate

The shift of seasons marks beautiful rosemary blossoms thorned elegantly across His skull. The master of fight and defence fortei. Lord Senior officer--Maxxum Maximus the 3rd of His Stature. And with honorary status builds fragrance of the women who cling to THAT fucking STEED!

He steps across a blackened bitchling without remorse. His calling? Glazic stripes and fireball the hides villages. Turn chocolate bastards to dirty tainted asshole flavors. And on and on again. Do it.

"Clocks tickin, I watched keen on these fucking wanking nigger brothers and ballers, the long sticks all rad and tip glazed with wicked kiwi salt flavors. Them balls precisely ape sized and hairs prickled. But a god damn pumpers action packed SEQUENCE it was. Cockfucking monkies. Felt it in my bones. Haunted me like a ghost. Fat apes humping donkies assholes in the jail cell. Even bitching motherfuckers they were juggling Senator Sweets nuts in a wet wrinkly cup of a hand. So I shotgunner iced them fucking hoes like a rocketship goes. End of discussion."

--NiGster Prodigy tale: 3rd Novel.

'Deep flight' up the ass stash! Get ass fucked pony

"Boosy fucking cunt fags. I shoot a god damn nigger and spice him for the dinner pit. No excuses!"

Lmao "jonny loves niggers with speed." Said Jixon Ricky. He wanted old faggots with great cocks to settle theirs too.

"Bam hoes goes! Holes tight as goats getting ass rampaged by islam priests. Good fucking id say!"

Baldies got vibrations across the rectal 'cocksters' shit shaft. A devilish insight on why cocks are moist and rods try hardest to fuck the SHIT OUT OF MIDGETS.

"Friday night heights. Dipped steeds in tons of colors to cherish. Fat dead niggers beneath the church chamber . But the steeds were puppies so bright in paints. The balls deep in a fragrant sauce. The hairs prickled like beauties on red fire. The cock itself a moment of ancient desire. The forward gesture like pennies out loose in a poverty stricken nigger faggot neighborhood, circa 1940."

"It was up to the roofies to slip away that fat hoe like a juicy latin asshole. The niggsters rresponsible gave firm oaths not to eat or taste the pole. Oh well. They did it anyways. Dirty fucksters."

"I feel him i really do. He was as wide as a troll. I wanted to widen it more but laws an legislation state no to holes. So i shot him instead and ate his hole in bed. " -- Feathers & Treats. The holes for trolls, season II

"Niggers want head. Some want holes or bread. Its a truth to seek, that choosing holes over bread is a monkies juggle to be said. But out with the guns and truth will run... off the tips of tongues"

no im gonna slick back my fucker hole finger, and flick shit in your pucker hole pisser. Speed is ruthless, speed is juiced and beyond a mans control. Feel rectified in that hole you hold close.

Grime fucker, you got no spunk for flex and wrecked jet lagged whores take proud pleasures over mad gestures. Consider yourself fucked and destroyed in the hole and out. Feels wide doesn't it boy?

I see vivid asshole colors on my cock. Is it a sign !!!???

ROFL we wouldnt stop. 8 guys. 8 on 8. The teams were fair. The toys were there. We started going at it. Flushing out individual assholes. Guys chained to beds. Ripe and gloriously stinky like fugitive sex addicts. Then came the twisted nature of the game. Automatic pumping up each mans hairy ass hole. No stopping

To incite some response in essence brings ... you closer to the madness. For example. A passenger train depaets at 7 a.m sharp, inbound train for a city approximately 45 kilometers eastbound. The journey encompasses alot of underground potnetial. Liek first accounts of ass fucking. Nasty black Cocks just going haywire all over guys bodies lile haywire crazy fruitless missiles. All like minded sick morherfuckers. Riding proportionate or unproportionate glide pipes. Mates spilling their juices on chairs. Dudes shhitting all ovet the tables with the fruits and wines dispensed for pleasuress. Like what the fuck. Anyway. The rail cars never reached primary destination. Just too much fucking going on in ass holes to care.

94 asses to find the reason. Permanently. Well the truth is hard. When you surround yourself with the vice it truly changes neurological function. It deepens to spiritual animal. It never goes away at all. Because that urge is what makes you... you. You become this staple that changes everyone around u. Your lover. Your friend. Foe. Onward. The ride only gets harder, deeper, wetter, squishier. And to catch up with yourself as a fucking sex animal who craves puffy crevices of ill motherfuckers who r from africa, u must remember me. Do not retreat from yourself because u gravitate towards the most sickly disgusting, pissed out, clusterfucked warzone hole you ever see. Do u think black ppl do that in africa??? No. They embrace everything. Retard.

It stops. It begins anew. . It will all come together. Belueve me. Because ive had hands on, literally. With black hides. Ive spread my seed in asses long gone by anothers workings to rule the world. A niger consumed by lavish thoughts to insert a little bit more in his pepper spot. Indeed he would. Met with a conjunction of evil vibration. Aye. Exposed asses in a book of thoughts. A page turned. One more. One more. Well the pages never end. More days to fuck asses in privilege. In advance u have to remember that all nigers are wired for assholes to taste . Flying away with wings.

Okay so it started with daniel, then the guy next door, then his neighbor, and then came hos neighbor. Next you know it the entire block. Then so many in the town. But so what? Did u think thoroughly before you when to .. town with all those ratched ass ghetto motherfuckers? No. U had a goal and u achieved it. In that sense u became a module for dudes to freely enslave ur cock and let a pepperhole lock and rock. Well whatever then. Just screw as many as u can. If they all black fags then more power to you. "

"Idk. Its a demand of powers , to be exact. Stories of alexander the great. Ass pounding in a armor suit or some shit. I mean idfk dude. I read these fetish stories sometimes that help me relive the sex thru a mans butthole. With vision and dedication. And circumcision. And balls converging downward as the testosterone flushes thru ur cock like a river of white dancers. All simultaneously trying to kill one another for this refreshing new taste of that manly pepperhole. A forest then the secrets unfold. As u enter easy like youve done it atleast 47 times in the last month. Because u just ride that way. You are truly a sexual god. "

"Companions for an anal desire, then great. Ok so get this, ive fucking engulfed my giant worm in so many that its just the norm. The fresh smells, tastes, sights. All senses have joined forces.focalizing. evolving like a feather. This greater soul search. Chances that rythmically forge . Mold. Assemble teeth . Stunning invention of the drift. Bring u as a master of the ass. To the fucking senses. Understanding wisdom of ur ass hole brings out glory.

Idk like. The expression 'easy goes it' or put good in, get good out. Those expressions are duels of purpose. Like they validate why i choose dark black mothrfuckers who rarely ever clean their asses with babywipes. Or scoop that shit out with their hands. Nasty asf. But honestly. Honestly i enjoy the sights and smells. I call myself a sexual god. Because ive adapted to the dirty and the clean. Both worlds alike and have embraced both worlds alike. And have came back from the darkness thru light. I guess assholes have engraved principles in me.

Idk ive become divine. Ive ridiculed the ass fucker snd dagger intentions. To be at peace and with the motions that bring me closer to..... God. To fluctuate feelings of distress and sexual gratification. Some how alluring to the fact that i love dark black holes. And gliding them with poles. Like idk. Im fucking masterful with premise. I try hard, in not only sexual sense but a feathery sense. I like ass i guess. Well. Particularly dark black motherfuckers hairy ovals slapping me all nighter holy fuck thats the life im about. "

"Ok so picture the. Demise of a black beauty. No, really. Visualize a gigantic fucking bitch who likes huge monster collisions when he rocks the bed at night. To be aligned with a lot of crud smeared and touching the butt cheeks and dirt and fucking filth and contractable evils with the butt hole. Excrements and rotten motherfuckers with dagger intentions. Just rocking ur butt hole until collapse."

"The lay down was simple. Bent over ass holes and submerged fat poles. Riders going with crazzy jazz grooves in the other room pulsating to some kind of really pulsating asshole that became the primary interest in retarded minds. As a means to fly, we blew away until the sunrise. Eating away him until the sunrise. Poles and dreams. Colliding elegantly in the sky. "

ROFL my pipe is meets brink. The wall of purity, or so called ass deprivation. I literally fucking deprived my mind of asshole orgies. For 7 months. Then i one day lost it all. I started partying so fucking hard all day long. Getting random guys to ram my ass hole relentlessly. In this tiny rotted out hotel room. Hundreds of guys. Lined outside. Waiting to get in to cum in my ass hole. It was getting so fucking torn up. But i didnt care

"The surface is still. Though juicing is in truth becoming. Divine and mental collapse to be a necessity. Therefore total mayhem and easy sludge reemerges, in essence, to become heavenly and spiritual. Now if only wisdom through words delivered truth. Want to know truth, faggot? We are just born to fuck assholes of black fucking whores and their queens. A.k.a tranny fags in mini skirts . I dont even fucking care. "

"I have hence entered dark desire." - inward, becoming. Outward seething more internal justice. Twisting mental clarity thru the metaphorical excitement of a fucking monkey and his pole. Melting with pure shit and seed. All around. Curling energy. Craving more. Ass explosions. This is no ordinary sexual encounter, but a dark man fleeing a third world country, craving a first world seed. To further be implanted in his ass. Forever melting with clarity. This becoming a fucking slave of anal blow. Hot stuff."

I went to poker night and ended up playing poke in the ass hole with lotta moist elements. Shit crusts seeds and puss up my crevis of dark proportion.

Wanna feel raptor claws seething the seed up ur cock shaft and rapture?

She spank me. She spanks gooder! Then the straglers came funneling through like serpents in coiled tension. The blessers fought one by one. The fowly a desertion bestowed. The cook sequence on flesh wanks. Fucking unveiled greater things they did. Blown out of proportions. Wink wink, I shot a bitchling so far so gooood! But why fight dark with light!? Cannot see light forsaken by truths lusylt. Hard stature lust. Dark matter and trust. Forfeit. Forfeit. Annnnd fuck you motherfucker i cut a brow off NOW COCKSUCKER MAGGOT. NOW WE RING THE DOORBELL. SHOOTS A PUPPET.

..... like literally cow manure becoming engulfed thru ur ass pipe and devouring everything external like a fat monster cock with saliva drinking the balls wet and gloriously stinky. Like no tommorow, actually. Like easier pie for the guy next door. Idk just a reflectiin ive had for years. Ive cried to it alot."

ROFL i took a dump all over his fucking retard face. Over and over Until he just was so utterly volatile and comsumed by an ocean of watery fucking dump. I cried and praise jesus i swear on the bible i did a good thing that night.

Lmatoflft i just fractured my cock fucking the shit out of 25 black guys who wanted a single gram of coke. It was like a tidal wave of retards with obsolete human engineering, fighting for a high. Lmao what the fuck

My eyes be closed as nigger sucks big perky cock Rofl i have no problem with nigers now! I just eat ass and play hard

Roglllfl wanna become my greed niglet. I jam lil bitsy pie crust slabs in your fucked pepper hole. Watch ur eyes roll and ur intact ball stash jerked by a sexy bald nigger

Lmao here faggit takes this piece now crystals will rise out of ur balls (the juice in ur ass from a big syringe) now fag. Dance. Haha fag cant dance. Good

ROFL i fucking had a jar of fruitflies. Aparantly spanish nigers have this bugg fetish of sorts. So i just cruised with it. Every aching monent if crazy fucking fruitfly homage. I love god

ROFL tha bitch had spider cock. Aparantly spider cock tastes like butt hole magic. I blush so deep i wanted more flakes and tasty surprisers. Beautifully instilled

ROFL the drums were beating in the camp. All i saw bunch of fucking blackies dancing around a pit of smashed beer cans. Goly fuck i think nigers are retards

ROFL i domt give a fuckk!!! I go ham on nigers all day. I pile up nigers in the flatbed i eat their holes idfc no more i just goooo!!!

ROFLZ jonnie had this hog fetish so he loaded the big truck with a shit ton of fucking big piglets. Then he drove that fucker into a watertower. The fucking watertower crashed down on a niger house. Holy shit all u could hear for miles was screaming "oink oink" pigleys combined with merciless fucked crying niggers. Holy shit what a time we had."

Holy...... my cock a rock .. my cow boy hat liek clint eastwood. I look sharp asf with my chained cock slave taking the lead like a pet

ROFL. sone guys towered over others. Big boys with full leverage and anal destiny. Carnage started 6 minutes after the initial ass fest shot off. The devils toys. Ass hole ripping . Severe amputations like a mega fuckton of circus festivity. Omg them lights dimmed. 10 guys busted in the room with more toys. Assholes were literally done for

I dont give a fuck!!!!!!

I dont give a fuck!!!!!!

I dont give a fuck!!!!!!

RPFL i stickin the pooper toy far in my ass and flexin. Feels like poseidons wrath upon me pooper hole. Watered down dripping profusely with greasey undergarmet shit and pipes hanging outward and lots of piss snd fucking coke crystals somehow evolving and alot of double dipping cocks and scoopers. holy fucking shit

ROFL we founded corporation 666 so we do the dirtiest fucking shit like eat rotten assholes and make go ham with lotta guys and wr the best men snd obligated to do anal with robotics an we dont care omfg

Idk goblins are my turnon. I fuck goblin bodies i do sexual favors for goblins. Goblins are my style. But it takes alot of deep descent to truly recognise what a goblin entitles. First and formost. Anybody with an extremely delish ass hole is a goblin. Atleast in my book. Secondly, goblins are greatly enduced visually by the conceptual reality of anal itself. As in, your ass is a festering holy place for goblibs to put their wrinkly cocks inside your archive. Further enhancing u. Deepening yur spirits. Giving u good feels. Idk man. Fuck it. Grind and pump goblins in their asses. If its a black goblin u are in for a hot surprise.

I mean i guess dood. Scattered thoughts and concepts and ideas and notions. Its all really about taking some really fat black ass and making ur old fat chode feel alive again. When i ravage a.really dirty hole, i separate myself visually and just embrace how slimy it feels wrapped around my cock until i cum. Weird.

I mean i guess dood. Try consolidating all ur thoughts into a book about black pieces of shit. And fucking asses with a dirty old grin on ur pale white face. U look so gross dood omg. Well ur cock was torn off in the vietnam war. I dont fucking care

I ass fuck goblins

I ass fuck goblins

I ass fuck goblins

I stop. Go. Stop . Go. I mean dood. Its how we run a business . Ass fucking in theory is like the crashing of the waves . It comes and goes. U have to work WITH the motions before u cum in some really nasty black mans ass .

So this really old queef fag , bout 92 said something 2 me the other day. He basically told me that the AssHole is very much like a vault. That u can enter and leave it. Like holy fuck, those words changed my entire existence. Enlightened me.

I mean ive fucked a religious figure before. So do not question morality. This guy named Jim was a cardinal and he decided to put a metal cross in my butt snatch. Like what gave him the idea to do that??? Begs so many unsolved questions. Well fuck, so i just did it right back to him. Helping hands i guess u could call it.

Well tje cross he put in my ass was layered with really fucking disturbing shit that had mold and hairs and fucking bubbles and fucking , well, flavorful surprisers. So yeah, i did taste that shit. I did saturate my tongue alot. I gave my senses a refresher. Dude. I DONT FUCKING CARE ABOUT JUDGEMENT I EAT ALL DEPTHS . I REFUSE BLASPHAMY. I DO AS I PLEASE. I FUCK WITH EASE.

ROFL the team like sex amd flexers . Big motherfuckers flexin their muscles. Bodybuilders with probed cocks. Creams used wisely to enhance flavor of a cock too coated thickly with shit. For consumption there was a entire table of bananas. Some guys preferred raw fisting without lube. But unique specimwns chose entire fruit pantries for their buttholes.

ROFL lil stinker. I caught eye of a niger peeper boy. He lookin at me going really fucking rough with 3 big fat motherfuckers. All kinds of dildos . Poop toys. And the pumpers

ROFL jonnie sipped cold beers like there was no shortage of ripened assholes. I literally laughing so fucking hard at this. Because he just smashed a can in some dudes asshole. Did sone serious damage. After that hsppened i had to quit for an hour. So i just watching instead. Jacking my cock in the corner next to 7 other guys who aldo called quits. For now atleast

All fun an games till the fireflies launch endlessly in ur butthole.

So after narrowing it down to the fullest extent, ive allowed knowledge to rain. Transformate, create. Its nothing that incredible, but it can make all the difference for a man to pleasure himself extensively with toys as well.

The cockroaches. Idk. Its an iffy topic but ive actually been schooled with these lil crawling fuckers. Example A concludes a more obvious trait - Asshole training with these remotely similar cockroaches. Basically ive become so utterly fascinatef by these buggers that I have made an ideal machine that can distribute them at rapid pace. Yeah...

I designed this fucking cock machine awhile back. Its a true gift to the community. So yeah...

Its primarily for shooting cockroaches in your ass at the speed of light. Cool stuff.

Deep down, sincerely, i love cockroaches. Especially on mah cock. Fun stuff. They nibble ur sack, drink the cum like a pump would. Virtually they become glued 2 ur cock so u can do alot more in the time of dirt and filth.

I mean i love cock toys. Cocksters. Liek as much as the next guyvwould. Im a lil more on the obsessive side. I grind pumps to bleed myself out. Literally pass out fucking on the ground with a pump vibrating inside of me, all night until i just wake up and realize it was all sucked into the canister. Idk im a freak.

I mean everything i do is for the greater good. I spice up my pepper a lil more than i should. I visualize somedin cold and gentle on the steed. Its a fucking wild ride. But its for the purpose of being a satanic priest.

Hot hot hot Extreme extreme extreme I mean i favors a cock that craves delicacies of the ass.

I mean ive always felt greater in an open ass. Ive gravitated towards ass. Filthy or clean. Does not matter. To become apart of this holy experiment, acknowledging that all cocks can achieve greatness is a true beginning. I ate out his vegetation. Probed him. Delighted him. In essence I am ass. One with it.

I guess youll never know until u try. I recommend all guys to eat asses and taste asses and lick reasonably fucking tight wet asses. Because they give u insight. They forge a earning of steel in your heart, blades of steel and a pulse of steel, with teary emotional eyes that are no longer hollow and deceiving of a mans inner beauty. Simply because he can roll his tongue on another mans asshole nonstop, every fucking day for 5 hours straight. Face it dude. Its a great nutritional benefit to us all. Now go try.

"He drew quivered lips over immense proportions. The cock beckoned a nice spill. The doctor said "no to holes" but the class said Yes To Head. Then the voice silenced, and out ran a nude nigger with c4 attached to his dick. That was that."

"Free training and tools for guaranteed screwing of holes. A 99.99 offer with peasants 'wood' to fucking plant in ur ass and ride regularly and vile. You dirty black bitch."

"I feel him i really do. He was as wide as a troll. I wanted to widen it more but laws an legislation state no to holes. So i shot him instead and ate his hole in bed. " -- Feathers & Treats. The holes for trolls, season II

"It was up to the roofies to slip away that fat hoe like a juicy latin asshole. The niggsters rresponsible gave firm oaths not to eat or taste the pole. Oh well. They did it anyways. Dirty fucksters."

"Bobo loves ass holes all hooky an shit from the rear to the balls in slime. Talkin shits and peepee nips. The whole hole devoured in seconds by a fat fucking nigger in a batman suit. Sweet stuff."

"Friday night heights. The steeds were puppies so bright in paints. The balls deep in a fragrant sauce. The hairs prickled like beauties on red fire. The cock itself a moment of ancient desire. The forward gesture like pennies out loose in a poverty stricken nigger neighborhood, circa 1940."

"I greased that ass with soul so let me describe the goods. It was gripped and slapped, and given a hearty smear of pink flamingos turd droppings ontop of his upper left moon. I blushed and furthered my advance on him so moist and delicately. It was fun and a horny game of what to do next."

"Then I guess I was a little bit disillusioned by the one very sentimental fact of all mankind. Niggers. Black abominations. Whores. Whatever your soul and spirit gives them sacred stamp snd merit, just know for a second that nobody is listening. Because they don't deserve the sentiment. Simple." -- Hard Stature Talks, 1-4 Broadcast Station. The Nigger Studies. 5-27-M.E

"Ten niggers atleast, worshipping a rock. The white man found out upon landing on her shores. This was a truly different scene. Hundreds of shit droppings in a single nigger war prisoners mouth, by other FUCKING NIGGERS. JESUS CHRIST

"It was artisan quality pumpers utilized at expert precision and known delicacies of latin origins. These were the pumpers. Dirty shit ringed devices used for the deliberate savagery of a hole so much wider than a troll. We want you to purchase these pumpers and devour a niggers hole because we're so fucking aching and rich of importance in our motives."

"He was a true nigger, he begged in return, for mercy. He was an asshole taster, depth master."

So i did cry to it. Ok so i did. Incase ur wondering, i had croc tears as i was like severely caving in this foreign fags ass. Hot guy btw. Well sessions usually last an hour or two, but they only pertain to the faggits i guess. I mean im not gay but i fuck guys plastered assholes into jello. Its so fucking fun and hikarious and arousibg and spicey. Every session is the same, with extreme force (as enjoyed by the receiver) i simply cave in their assholes until it becomes a place to store all my fucking valuables. Weird fetish btw.

I mean its fucking hot. By allowing a slushie of seed to migrate up his supersized ass shaft, you can conquer. You banish all impurities from the slate. In the powerful playing field, You develop quite a sizzling appetite for ones pipe. Performing 'ass depth' gives you that zesty craving you anticipated all your miserable life of a mindless incompetent faggot. You sugercoat that cock n fucking huge ass ballers. Juggle thosr motherfucking nuts one last time. Csuse u never know whe walking the streets of Niggerville. Fucking blackie comes out from an alley with machete and swipes ur fick, dont come crying 2 me faggit.

Well He was ramming the other mans asshole for quite awhile. It was flavorful. He was ramming so much asshole thwt he liked what it felt like to seal the throne. He liked all that hocolate to bone, because he knew, as a demigod, that he could easily latch on to other faggs who were weaker and mentally retarded

"When Jim and jack were alone, the former retarded master of black mentally handicapped bigger war fag slaves who were cautious in all demeanor expressed their concerns that simple anal fucking up the pot hole was just not enough. how very much they all admired this sentiment.. 'He is just what a young fucking crusty black faglet ought to be, said he; and I never saw such happy fuckimg motherfuckers . So much ease ontp new buttholes. with such perfect good breeding of fucking retarded buttholes. They really dont give ten fucks!'"

"And onto which he became, by decree, a harder subject. Ass fucker of many. Taste tester of plenty. This man was flourishing endlessly with asshole desire. He challenged all who opposed sticking a dlimy gready unkempt tongue and nasty horrifying pimple mouth to a godly subject. And to thee all became sexual partners who fucked one another so rough that residue and aids and fuckinf other massacres of moral code did not challenge him enough. Trust me, this motherfucker has tasted so much.

And hehehe he fucked away. Today. He beckons to spill. Seeds all over. The fucking place. Inside a cabinet of black fleshtones. A fucking purple pulsating drippy bastards cock. Hard as a rock. Guarantee he fuck alot of wet holes of male fags who r in heat. Before departing on his sail bost over trembling waters amok beautiful rising sunsets that challenge even the most cynical gods of this universe and its belonging to the stars.

Psalm 5:3 (NIV) "In the morning, LORD, you hear my fucking retarded niger voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you fucking retards and wait expectantly, for another goeric whorehouse to own up to ass poleing me like a pile of shit going into an incinerator. ..

Candies in asses

I wannt old stinky trapwhores (guys) to ram my pepper endlessly.

Telle what can bring a man closer to the lord he so speaks highly of, while discreetly fingering his ass in solitude.

The phily cheese steak burrito is an easy representation of huge giant sickly pumping niger fuckimg cocks, pumping out cream into a dark complex fellows ass hole. With ease. Im not lying retard. Get fucked lol

Wandering thru the hall of light. Siad He. To become tranquil. Sentient and alive within the mannequin form. Before being brutally fucking destroyed by a group of sentient cocklords who reside in the hall of stars. Gigantic easygoing apes. Pulsating abs. Chests beating like drums of a nigers habitual learning and socioeconomic upbringing. So bring forth the new age. Hybrid ape nigers injected ass pipes with gooey fucking hybrid fucking qualities OF the white figurine. Destined entirely. Naked and delish.

The splendors of a deepened fucking dumbfucks back end speaks volumes. Tell me what it means, cocksucker. A nobles cock is of higher standing than a peasants puny wood. But sometimes peasants rise hard. Booby blagoona is primarily that example. But we all know that story too well.

Kudos to him. For being able to triumph over another mans booty in the frigid dooms. Without shriveling into a piece of doggy dog meat. Takes true resilience to move ones muscle in a particulary cautionary fashion. Weather does not cease to exist as you try a new hole for the first time ever. Rember how when u then came directly in his ass and the cum just froze inside his ass and became excruciatingly painful in the end? Thats my memory.

Ascend. Ascend! He FLEW. Airborne motherfucker. Sink or swim it is. W-where did this all c-c-cum from? Answerd pappie.

I drawn towards the scirntific inquiry of how the ass maintains shape snd size, thru the continuous, unparallelled bombarding of its packed in flesh ring. Like....... how feasible would it be to assume ur just some ratched ass homelesa man who is addicted to speed and holes without distaste of the elements. And ... being methodical in your means. And an controlled experimentation chamber, chislechinned fuck boy who just is addicted to feeling NOTHING at all at this very classic point. Lirk. Like dude. Think sbout these words. Right now. Some really fucked up systematic fashion of drilling another ape in a dimly lit room. Glass walls. Back to back. Forming an extremely, fundementally solid, echoless technological advancement to ... enhance pleasures behind closed doors. That is my assessment of ass.

Fuck asses

All fun in games till ur pooper takes an endgame result.

Wanna pipe ur bum like a peter piper faggit

Like pipes forge unity in empty souls